Your effective financial planning program for the household or office.
Recommended Books!
We have found some interesting and effective book resources which we have gone back to time and again. These eight books and one lecture below contain priceless technology regarding personal and business finances and we are happy to share them with you.

The Millionaire Next Door
This is a great book giving insight into the mental processes of a financially successful person. I do recommend that anyone looking to invest buys this book.

The Millionaire Mind
This is a great book giving insight into the mental processes of a financially successful person. I do recommend that anyone looking to invest buys this book.

The Wealthy Barber
This huge success swept through bookstores across Canada.
Told in simple laymen's terms, this is a book that I will always recommend.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad
You may have heard of this and for good reason. There are methods, thought processes and habits that the wealthy pass on to their children. An invaluable read when building a foundation of reserves and assets.

Successful Selling
Because for many of us, financial freedom means the ability to SELL! Published and sold by the Hubbard College of Administration in Los Angeles, this is the best manual on sales that you will ever find.

The Five Conditions
A business goes through cycles. This lectures defines these in simple detail. If you're running a start-up this lecture might just be the single most valuable asset you could own.

The Way to Happiness
Financial success and happiness go hand in hand.
I cannot measure the gains I have achieved since reading and using this book in my daily interaction with others. I think this is the best common sense moral guide that anybody has ever written.

The Problems of Work
Financial success usually means career success. I have used the tools, procedures and drills in this book to attain a level of comfort and ease in the workplace that has undoubtedly contributed to my financial success. The book comes highly recommended.

Self Analysis
Financial success starts with your own state of mind. The only thing holding you back is your self. A self analysis is in order and the results can be pretty amazing. I recommend this from the viewpoint of bolstering your own psyche for the task at hand: the task of creating more money!